Nationwide PRC Support Means BIG Impact In Your Backyard!


Helping Our Neighbors Thrive

The CareNet Center’s Service Report

CareNet offers pregnancy resource center (PRC) support to over 1100 affiliates nationwide. They are our national Pro-Life advocates and the front face of the Pro “ABUNDANT” Life Movement. Under their guidance and with the Lord God’s Leadership, the EPIC Center in tandem with all other CareNet affiliates have been able to do some MAJOR good. Please be encouraged! Your prayers, your efforts, and your love are indeed saving lives and bringing young mothers to the foot of the cross where they can grab the hand of Jesus. The latest stats are in and we wanted to share them with you!

All CareNet PRC affiliates, like your EPIC Centers are faith-based, community supported non-profit organizations have tremendously helped provide the following:

  • Alleviating social service burdens on local government
  • Facilitated public health through consultations with medical professionals and referrals for ongoing medical care
  • Building healthy families through education and support
  • Clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability, or other arbitrary circumstance

Click/tap here to download a copy of this National CareNet Report.