A message from Kinston Center Director Lesley Rigsby “You can do it”

Have you ever had someone to tell you, “You can’t do that or you’re not going to make it”! I still remember my first-grade teacher saying to me, “You can’t do that”. The words we speak have lasting effects. They can build a person up or they can quickly tear them down. I don’t know about you, but for me things have never been easy. I struggled in elementary school especially early on, until I was tested and learned I had dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disability specifically with language skills and reading. With the proper teaching methods, people with dyslexia can be successful learners and do very well.

Just as I remember the negative words spoken to me as a first grader, I remember the great word of encouragement spoken to me by my Learning Disability teacher Kathy Eatman.  Every day she poured her heart and soul into me. She made me feel like nothing was impossible. She helped me learn different techniques to use when I read or spelled words to be successful. She helped me believe in myself and learn to have an “I can “attitude regardless of any limitations or circumstance I might face.  As a nurse at UNC Health Lenoir, and Center Director of the EPIC Center in Kinston, I have the opportunity to speak life, love, and encouragement into people just as Mrs.  Kathy Eatman did to me.

Unfortunately, I see many people daily that have been told far too often, “You can’t do that or there is no way you are going to make it”- Today I want you to know that is a lie straight from Hell. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do ALL things through Christ who give me strength”.  This scripture I wrote on all my nursing notebooks, in nursing school, to remind myself with God I could do hard things because He was with me giving me the strength to do so. Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you”.  Nothing about nursing school was easy, but I am so grateful that I made it through and have loved it.

Are you facing a situation where you are being told, “You can’t do that, or you are not going to make it”. Take heart and know you are not alone. Let me remind you ALL things are possible with God’s help. Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy? Is there more month left than money in your bank account? Are you struggling knowing how to care for your newborn or toddler?  EPIC Center of Kinston wants to help you and so do I. Do not lose hope! Keep saying to yourself, “I can do it and you will.  Until next time remember you are loved, you are special, and you are not alone!

Lesley Rigsby

Kinston EPIC Center Director